Behind the Scenes of the Princess Collection Photoshoot
“You know what the director usually says now?” my best friend asks me. We’re in the shadows of the photo studio observing as the photographer snaps away. Three gorgeous models are laughing and leaning against each other modeling my clothes. As surreal as that moment was, calling “That’s a wrap!” was the feather in my cap for an experience that was more than a dream come true.
My eyes filled with tears at that moment, and I had to turn away - but these were the happiest tears. I’d just achieved one of my lifelong dreams, creating a collection and seeing the fruits of those labors come to life in front of the camera in new and exciting ways. It was my pleasure to create the Princess Sleep Collection for you, and it’s an even greater pleasure to share my favorite moments from bringing it to you today.
Getting the garments ready for the models
Belle touches up her blush…
Getting the details just right!
Getting the lighting right or playing around?
Making sure we get the shot…
Who’s the model here?
Working the bubble machine!
That’s a wrap!
I hope you enjoyed this tour behind the scenes, and if you enjoyed the Princess Collection, you can see more here and shop now!